Trusting & Surrendering To Our Body Wisdom & What’s Possible

Trusting & Surrendering To Our Body Wisdom & What’s Possible

“Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel.”

- Kevin Trudeau

September 30th 2022, I broke my ankle in 3 places. 

17 days later, without surgery or pain medication, I was running. 

This is my story of the potential of what’s possible when we surrender to the true power of our body wisdom.


It was a cold, overcast Friday morning and I woke feeling lost and disconnected from myself. I decided to walk it out.

 As I finished my walk, I saw a newly built, empty playground with a gigantic slide! I love adventure and fun! So naturally nothing could stop me.

I flew down the slide with such joy and glee! As I approached the bottom of the slide I vividly remember time slow down. I wasn’t stopping.

In a split second, I had shot out the end, with my whole body weight landing on my ankles in a crouch-like position. I’ll never forget the sound of my bones crumbling beneath me.

I’d never broken bones before, so I had no idea what it felt like, all I knew was the pain began to feel excruciating. I tried to yell for help but could only manage groans. The pain consumed me like an ocean swelling from within, throbbing with every subtle vibration. I felt like i was about to combust internally.

Thankfully, a young mother with three little ones found me and called an ambulance. I was so grateful to her, I’ll never forget her kindness and capacity to handle everything plus look after her little ones with such calmness.


I was rushed to hospital with a “Trimalleolar Fracture.”

 According to the medical system this is the most severe and unstable of ankle fractures. Imagine a speaker tripod with a centre pole and three stabilising legs, and those three stabilising legs breaking at different heights; that was my ankle.  

They put my foot in a cast and told me I would need surgery to put in screws and a metal plate to stabilise it.  

“No” I felt my immediate response.

“This body isn’t made to have metal in it! That is not right.” These were the words I felt and heard from deep within.

I remember feeling this, and straight away feeling scared.

“How is that possible (healing broken bones without surgery)? I don’t know how that’s possible? ” 


10yrs ago I had a similar experience where I healed myself of “severe depression” and an illness that rendered me bed-bound, but I’d done it without really knowing what I was doing at the time. It was only after I was so much better that I realised that the work I was naturally developing had cured my ailments.

And so, this is how I knew that it was possible, but I’d never had to put it to the test in such an emergency situation like this.

I believed anything was possible, but this? Broken bones without surgical intervention? This really was putting my work to the test.

Our bodies are designed to function with complete vitality, and to naturally thrive and heal itself given the perfect conditions.

What I’ve come to witness countless times over my personal and professional life, is that addressing our unresolved emotions is the cure for everything. It cures illness and disease, any physical ailment, prevents against ageing and safeguards against any accident. If something is still in our reality, its because the core emotional wound hasn’t been cleared.

It works off the basis of law of attraction; Our soul attracts everything into our life to surface our unresolved core emotions, so that we can clear them, and therefore create a different outcome (/law of attraction).What this also does in the process, is it opens our heart. And by opening our heart, we open to our True innate potential; Love.

When we clear our unresolved emotions that contribute to these outcomes, we purify our body and return it to its natural state; which is similar to the thriving vitality of a child.

I was compelled to trust in the natural healing that I knew my body was capable of with absolute attention and focus on resolving everything emotional in me that had contributed to this injury.



During my short stay in hospital awaiting surgery, I focused solely on this outcome, and felt every emotion that surfaced along the way. This resulted in never needing any pain medication other than what I was given upon emergency. 

I was released after a few days, still scheduled for surgery a few days later.  

Fantastic! I now had the freedom to expand my healing territory. Which happened only a few days at a time, on the timing of my scheduled surgery. As I began to heal and clear my emotions, naturally, my law of attraction changed which I also was delighted to watch my scheduled surgery continue to postpone itself as a result.  This was so great as it allowed me more time to continue edging myself closer to my belief and investment in the process and outcome.

My first week at home I was guided to be regimented with my healing process, incorporating gentle but strict weight bearing exercises, food plan and rest.

On my first attempt at standing, I felt so nervous. Even taking off my boot felt scary. I knew that fear was my untapped potential and guide for the right direction.

I kept feeling the nerves and choosing to trust anyway. Upon standing, I couldn’t even straighten my leg out, only place it gently resting on the ground.

Even that felt intense, and I could feel my foot pulsing as all the blood rushed to my ankle.

my mind yelled all sorts of stories at me- 

“Am I insane? This is dangerous! I’m completely unsafe right now!” 

I felt entirely under threat, unsafe and unstable. But I knew I had to force myself into unknown territory, the territory of being healed, by taking exactly this kind of action. And it was never going to happen if I waited until I felt ‘ready’ & good about it. I had to confront all the parts of my mind that didn’t believe in miracles by forcing myself into miracle territory that my deep body wisdom knew was possible. Literally walking my talk.


Upon completion I lay down on the grass and cried over how unsafe and completely terrified I felt. How my life felt like it was in danger. It wasn’t physical pain I was crying about. My physical body felt surprisingly ok. No, the perceived pain was how I felt emotionally; Unsafe, unstable, and scared. The tears washed through me and eventually I was ok and could relax for the remainder of the hour until my next stand.



Second attempt.

I took my boot off without hesitation, worry or trepidation. Success already!

Then came the stand. This time I felt confident. The emotions of unsafety and threat were gone! I couldn’t believe it! It was working! And very clearly!  

And, rather than wanting to cry, this time I wanted to roar! Ooph! It felt So clear to me I was making progress.



I continued to meet my edges with this exercise over the coming days, no matter where I was or what I was doing. Every hour, which then progressed into every 2 hours. Some days this devotion and focus meant standing on the grass in the shopping centre carpark as I got my groceries or pulling over on the side of the road to do my practices on time! Whatever it took. 



Day 4 of my regime I was finally scheduled for my surgery. 

 I woke feeling sick to my stomach. Like I was going to vomit.  My mind arose again:

“This is my body, my livelihood, am I screwing up my whole life?” 

The fear had turned to terror.  I was SO conflicted.

I wrote a prayer to God that morning “please God, show me CLEARLY what I know I want to choose. Let me KNOW it in my Soul”.


“Be brave. Choose Love. What would Love do?”

Was the response I felt.


I sat outside the hospital awaiting my Xray, pre-surgery. I was still conflicted. In conversation with a friend, she asked me; 

“Do you believe you are capable of miraculous healing?”

“Yes!” I replied 

“I believe anything’s possible” 


It was in that moment of replying I realised that parts of me still didn’t believe that because parts of me were still in fear. 

It’s one thing to SAY I believed in something, but the true test, was now,  being in it. 

I cried out the terror.

Only to look up at the trees in front of me and FEEL my answer –

God. Creator. Creation.

The Truth of Life.

The invisible energy that grows trees, makes flowers bloom, makes this whole world possible, makes us possible.

It was so clear I could actually see it in everything.

Yes! I believe in that. And that is the miracle.

The knowing in my Soul was clear.



I declined the surgery and told the doctors that I wanted to continue to do things my own way. Incredibly, the doctors were so supportive, and turns out there was an alternative option to my recommended surgery. We even worked out a collaborative plan to further support my decision, with monitored x-rays.

I was so surprise. Initially I felt nervous because I felt I had to follow what the Drs said rather than my own guidance system. They were a little hesitant at first, but I just spoke honestly about my decision, and they were incredibly supportive, without any pressure. I felt heard, seen respected and revered. I felt so moved by these men and their care and love for me as a person, a woman, a patient, a human. I will forever be grateful and change by their their care.


Two weeks after my accident, on stage giving a talk at the Mind Body, Spirit festival in Sydney, I removed the boot and walked for the first time -  

6 steps. Barefoot. With no crutches! 

4 days after… 

I was RUNNING!!! 



This journey was incredibly intense, and it has absolutely blown my mind!

To further add to how astounding this work continues to be, I also acquired an Acute UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) 4 weeks into my healing process in which I was passing blood (anyone who’s had one will know how excruciating they are). Through simply clearing the emotions that caused it, it cleared my UTI within two days.

This journey has been one of the biggest stretches of my entire life. To walk my talk of believing in the body’s ability to heal itself, and that ‘anything truly is possible’.  

With devotion, trust, and surrender to the process I can now say I have experienced the truth of what I’ve known in my soul is possible. That there is ‘more’. 

A life of truth and liberation. 

And all we have to do, is say ‘yes!’ to the wisdom and surrender to our greatness. 


For over 18 yrs I have worked with the human body and how to leave this earth having lived Truthfully, fully, and wholeheartedly; To Live in and as Love. To walk our talk of what we know in our Soul is truly meant for us. And to live a life beyond pain and suffering, a life of freedom, truth, love and liberation. A life where heaven on earth does exist because it is heaven in our Body. I have worked with people all across the world and from all walks of life and it always comes back to this one thing, The Truth of what our heart and Soul knows is possible.

Since breaking my ankle, I have come to realise this as fact. And that everything in our life, is designed to open our hearts to the most glorious purest Love that is available, which is to actually know (through our feeling) the Truth.

And all we have to do is purify our emotional wounds, meet life one moment at a time and trust that we will always win if that’s what we are choosing.

And, the more we surrender open to God (Creator/ Source), the more we allow ourselves to life and love fully.


I truly believe that what I have just experienced, is what’s possible for every human being on this planet, without having to have a health scare (like myself). but simply, by our willingness to choose it. This is the stuff I live for, and I want the world to know about it!


Throughout My Work I’ve Helped Facilitate The Healing Of:

  • Early Menopause (Periods return)

  • Weight issues (eating disorder, gain/loss, body image issues)

  • Fertility issues

  • Men’s / Women’s health issues

  • Physical Pain (unknown bodily pain, prior injury/ surgery pain)

  • Stomach issues, bloating

  • Improved eyesight with glasses (reduction in prescription)

  • Relationship issues (Intimacy & connection, codependency, reigniting spark etc.)

  • Health issues; Sickness, Skin issues, Illness, Virus & Disease

  • Substance abuse/addiction. 

  • Mental Health (depression, anxiety)

  • Chronic fatigue, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia

Which Has Lead To Further Client Outcomes Such As:

  • Abundance of energy / aliveness

  • Profound Confidence

  • Freedom & Liberation through movement

  • Radiance/magnetism

  • Passion

  • Uncovering Soul purpose

  • Greater Pleasure

  • Peace

  • Fulfilment/satisfaction in all areas of life. 

  • Dissolving of family patterns; (ie codependency)

  • Uninhibited expression

  • Real Self. 

  • Living & paid for dream life (artist- Actor/singer/songwriter/comedian)

“Wow! Thankyou! The biggest thing I’ve discovered is just to trust and surrender as you’ll only TRULY know the miraculous results once you’re on the other side.”

I’ve experienced -

  • Clear skin, Vibrancy and aliveness in my body

  • Senses are on fire - to an extent that I didn’t even know was possible!

  • Eyes bright and ready and so very open.

  • The most joy I’ve ever felt in my life!

  • Possibility and confidence in myself

  • Feeling sensual and sexy

  • Way more energy to do the things that get me excited

  • Spontaneity, New talents unfolding

  • Stronger connection to God and source and my inner masculine

  • Consistently attracting the things I want.

  • Ease and peace in my mind and body.

  • Less electronics , less need and want for them. Easeful sleeping

    This is the key to everything. Especially if you’re looking to grow or have been looking to grow and feel stuck / stagnant - like if what you’ve been trying isn’t working and you’re not actually getting anywhere~

    This is the key! Emotional release as well as aligned choices . Truly aligned.”

~ Tia

Client Results

Fertility Issues

“During our struggles to become pregnant and after multiple attempts with traditional fertility treatments, I sought Laurens help to get my body & mind in sync as I just felt that they were constantly fighting with each other after every failed attempt.

Lauren was amazing!

She was able to help identify my blockages, where I was holding stress, fear and anger and help me just release it all.

Within a couple of cycles of seeing Lauren and implementing everything Lauren suggested, willingly, we fell pregnant and the pregnancy stayed viable, and we now have an incredible 4yr old son.

I will forever be thankful to Lauren.”


Diagnosed with Early menopause late 20’s (Age at time of the below message - 34yrs)

“So this is happening; my bleed has returned. Seemingly out of no where but connected to every where!

The last 9 months since meeting you and connecting and exploring deeper parts of me, uncovering the deepest parts of myself, this is the stuff of dreams, living and working in the world I do, having been told medically I am past menopause.

Whatever she (womb) is saying is I am listening. I am surrendering to the wisdom of my womb. Thank you my darling woman.”



“I just wanted to share that since our first session last week, my glasses prescription has gone down from 3.5 to 2.5!”


Lauren Becker

Having worked intimately for over 18 years with the architecture of the human body, the courage of the heart, the truth of the soul and the intimacy of life-force energy, Lauren serves her devotion to Truth, Love, Full-Bodily Freedom and the illumination of our Soul Essence lived fully and wholeheartedly.

Her work is a permission slip and bridge, between the inner and outer, vulnerability and strength, past, present and future, science and spirituality, pleasure and pain, heaven and hell, light and dark, nature and body.

Lauren's work has touched tens of thousands of people worldwide, and she has personally worked with over 1000 men and women, bridging worlds into deeper intimacy, wisdom and full-bodied health, vitality and aliveness. Having travelled the world solo for over 13 years, Lauren has cultivated a commendable and attractive understanding of the nuances and architecture of human connection, within great diversity.

Her extensive training includes Chinese Medicine, Somatic Therapy, Somatic Sexuality, Meditation, Anatomy, Physiology & Psychology and the profound impact of her own self-enquiry, embodiment and curiosity.

Through grounded, transformative and illuminating programs, retreats, workshops, and speaking engagements, Lauren helps women and men to reclaim their integrity, innocence, soul essence and trustworthy power for absolute magnificence.

Lauren is passionate about our full-bodied potential. She is committed to living life fully and inspiring her clients and audiences to do the same. To leave no stone unturned is a life truly lived.


Do I need to be in person to learn this work?

No. You can achieve the same results and see the same level of impact whether you learn in person sessions or via zoom. In fact, most of Lauren’s results have been via online.

How can this help me?

Our reality is a direct reflection of everything that we hold within us consciously or unconsciously. Embodying everything you wish to be will bridge the gap between optimum health, vitality, love and life. By working with me, you will see the key relationships between each part of your life and even better, you will learn the skills on how to move through the gaps between each of them for yourself for your own self-mastery.

What do I need to work with you?

A pure desire to know and live truthfully and lovingly, and to have the results that you truly desire. Aswell as a willingness to be humble and take personal responsibility, and receive honest feedback as to how to come into harmony with love in your life. Additionally, an openness to learning about your own Soul. If you don’t Lauren will support you through blocks as much as she can. Should there not be a willingness to change you will be asked to go away and move through them on your own and you can come back when you feel you have.

How much does walking with Lauren cost?

Until the end of 2023, Lauren is doing a donation based approach. This means you can donate what you wish. Lauren does ask that you make a commitment for 1 month if you are doing an ongoing journey with her as oppose to a 1:1. This makes it more loving for yourself to really start to see results.

I am feeling resistance towards this. Is this normal?

Yes! Very normal. As you begin to honour your curiosity and desires, your soul will reveal what has been in the way. This can be a very normal part of the process for some people.

Will this impact my business?

Yes. In fact, a lot of my clients who come to me with self-mastery blocks actually end up creating deeper discernment in their business and purpose. Everything touches everything. If you are drawn to working with me, trust it is for a purpose.

Have More Q’s? Reach out